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Animal Testing is Unethical.

Or is it?

Experiments on Animals: Overview | PETA

Experiments on Animals: Overview | PETA

This website highlights the facts and figures of animal testing as of 2017. It explains what animal testing is and gives a description of some of the things that animals go through before their ultimate death. The author claims that animal testing is wasteful, time consuming, costly, and does not yield the type of results that are portrayed simply because animals are not very compatible to humans. Finally, the author calls for action to the authorities worldwide to consider alternative forms of testing since they have been found to be more successful in some studies. I chose this since it is from a credible source and clearly outlines the disadvantages of why animal testing should end. The content is relevant to my stance on the topic and provides additional facts to aid in the understanding of the topic.

COVID-19 Proved We Must End Animal Testing Immediately | PETA

COVID-19 Proved We Must End Animal Testing Immediately | PETA

This article highlights why animal testing isn't necessary. For the first time in history, human trials for a vaccine were approved before ever being tested on an animal. With the rising threat of Covid-19 earlier this year, the U.S. government and the world agreed that time could not be wasted on ineffective animal testing and that we needed to commence testing immediately. This proves the point that the abuse suffered everyday by animals is not worth it and that we need to consider other forms of testing for new drugs. I chose to use this source since it is very relevant to our current affairs and it proves the point that animal testing does not have to be done to conduct research. This is also another credible source and therefore would be appropriate to be included.

Cruel tests on dogs exposed!

Cruel tests on dogs exposed!

This video was posted on the Humane Society of United States website and gives a glimpse into the tragic life of several dogs undergoing animal testing. 36 beagles were subjected to unnecessary pesticide testing but they were able to get victory as half a million people demanded that the agency responsible stop this practice. These dogs were rescued but there are hundreds of thousands of other dogs and animals that still need help. The video calls for American join their fight against this cause. I chose this video as a source because of the emotional appeal that it provides. It speaks of an actual case and how people caused the facility to shut down. Again this supports my claim that animal testing should not be done because of the negative effects on animals.

CBRA Fact Sheet: Why Are Animals Necessary in Biomedical Research?

CBRA Fact Sheet: Why Are Animals Necessary in Biomedical Research?

This fact sheet aims to justify animal testing stating that as a result of it all medical break throughs in human and animal health has been as a result of using animals. It also provides a list of medical breakthroughs as a direct result of using animals in research. In addition to that, It lists the different types of animals used in biomedical research and explains why alternative methods cannot replace animals in research. This fact sheet was included because the information comes from a credible place. It highlights the opposing viewpoint and lists many examples of breakthroughs as a result of biomedical research on animals. It is important to consider the other side of the argument.

Why Animal Research?

Why Animal Research?

In this article, Standford research claims to value the welfare of animals as an important part of the research process. They feel that if animals are not treated well, then the results would not be trustworthy. The author highlighted several reasons why animal testing is still necessary since animal testing is currently not allowed unless testing is first tried on animals.Standford research further claims that 95% of tests are done on rodents and that they stand firm in their convictions that they are obligated to ensure the well-being of all animals used for testing and are dedicated to refining, reducing, and replacing animals in research whenever possible, and to using alternative methods (cell and tissue cultures, computer simulations, etc.) instead of or before animal studies are ever conducted. This article was included because it also comes from a credible source. In addition to that, it denies ill-treating animals. It also speaks clearly on why it is necessary to continue...
