This is a collection of websites, lesson plans, and programs that will allow teachers to facilitate distance learning during school closures.
JISD Special Programs
News Feed Curated by:
Teresa Easterling
In an effort to help educators move to remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic, children's publishers are changing their policies on copyright infringement.
Check out my Buncee!
You're a home-schooler now? Check out these free resources for activities kids will love.
As educators, learners and families are impacted by COVID-19, know that our entire team is always here for you. Inspired by the ways you foster community beyond the classroom, we have curated a collection of resources to help you and your peers. Remo...
Your source for teaching inspiration, blogs, and online professional events.
Optional: Please use this as a guide for extra language enrichment activities. Credit: Maria Montroni-Currais from Somerdale School District, NJ and the Fort Mill School District EL Department
All yellow words are links to the sources.
Looking for great, free resources for learning from home? If you've got school closure, summer break, or are homeschooling, here are some great resources.
Let Microsoft Education provide a great remote learning environment for your class. Improve distance learning by taking advantage of tools all in one place.
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room...
Teach and Learn With The Times: Resources for Bringing the World Into Your Classroom
If your school or district is closed for preventative health-related reasons, please complete this form to get full access to Listenwise Premium at no cost. This will give you and your students the ability to learn with Listenwise while your school rem...
I’ve been sharing a lot of posts with advice about online learning if schools are closed (see The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Pleas…
Helpful tools when you're away from your students. Katie Muhtaris and I are only recommending tools we know, use and love; this is not a list of all the free "things".
To help your schools and give you some degree of certainty during these uncertain times, we are making Newsela’s entire product suite available, free of charge.
Unite for Literacy provides free digital access to picture books, narrated in many languages. Literacy is at the core of a healthy community, so we unite with partners to enable all families to read with their young children.
Free for educators
Well-known childrens stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Read along in Spanish or English. Great for adults too!
A community where students engage in high-interest writing for an authentic audience and teachers help students grow through the entire writing process.
Students can listen to all books in the Bluford series for FREE.
Kelly is pleased to share with you a variety of handouts and instructional aids that he developed to support his strategies for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening. Click on the file name to download the pdf of each document. And check ...