After 15 years, deadly disease research lab nears approval in Boston
May 30, 2017

After 15 years, deadly disease research lab nears approval in Boston
Some seem too quick to overlook major concerns about BU biolab - The Boston Globe
January 2, 2017

Some seem too quick to overlook major concerns about BU biolab - The Boston Globe
City Council meeting discusses proposed level 4 research moratorium
August 15, 2016

City Council meeting discusses proposed level 4 research moratorium
Klare X. Allen speaks at Boston City Council Hearing
August 11, 2016

Klare X. Allen speaks at Boston City Council Hearing
BU biohazard lab is an empty fortress
July 28, 2014

BU biohazard lab is an empty fortress
Allen et al. v National Institutes of Health et al
September 30, 2013

Allen et al. v National Institutes of Health et al
Residents Continue Fight Against BU Infectious Disease Lab
April 11, 2013

Residents Continue Fight Against BU Infectious Disease Lab
Neighborhood Biolabs: How Safe Are They?
January 4, 2013

Neighborhood Biolabs: How Safe Are They?
Controversial Boston Biolab Gets Federal Approval
January 3, 2013

Controversial Boston Biolab Gets Federal Approval
Residents oppose BU biolab for deadly diseases in South End - The Boston Globe
April 19, 2012

Residents oppose BU biolab for deadly diseases in South End - The Boston Globe
Hurdles Remain For South End Infectious Disease Lab
April 19, 2012

Hurdles Remain For South End Infectious Disease Lab
Student protestors on BU Biolab: ‘We’re going to stop this lab and shut it down’ – The...
February 3, 2011

Student protestors on BU Biolab: ‘We’re going to stop this lab and shut it down’ – The...
Anti-biolab coalition speaks out on dangers at forum
October 1, 2009

Anti-biolab coalition speaks out on dangers at forum
Residents’ worries delay BU biolab opening
May 18, 2009

Residents’ worries delay BU biolab opening
Biodefense labs make bad neighbors, residents say
May 17, 2009

Biodefense labs make bad neighbors, residents say
Biolab protest creates horrific scene | National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories
November 8, 2007

Biolab protest creates horrific scene | National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories
Fear in the Air
May 15, 2006

Fear in the Air
Roxbury activist Klare Allen speaks for justice
February 20, 2008

Roxbury activist Klare Allen speaks for justice
Controversial BU Biolab Faces Environmental and Security Review
August 4, 2006

Controversial BU Biolab Faces Environmental and Security Review
Fear follows plan to build more deadly-disease labs
August 22, 2004

Fear follows plan to build more deadly-disease labs
Opposition grows to BU's biodefense lab plan
August 19, 2003

Opposition grows to BU's biodefense lab plan